Hey There!
I am Sriram :)

Software Development Engineer

View Resume

About Me

ASDE-1 @ Samsung ECommerce, Chennai
Ex ASDE-1 @ Publicis Sapient, Intern @ Zebpay
Ex Research @ UCY, SSNCE

I'm a Computer Science Undergrad. I have research background in Artificial Intelligence and Software Development. Passionate about technology and finance. Always looking for opportunities to learn. Click here to see all my Links .

  • Web Development

    REST | GraphQL | MERN
    Backend: Javascript, Express.js, Nest.js, Node.js, Nx, Java | Springboot, Golang, Python, Django-RestFramework
    Frontend: React.js, Next.js

  • Databases, Big Data and DevOps

    Databases: PostgresSQL-Typescript/TypeORM, MongoDB - MongooseORM, Hadoop (HDFS), Apache Spark, Apache Kafka.
    Ops: AWS, Kubernetes, Docker, Jenkins

  • Artificial Intelligence

    Machine Learning, Deep Learning
    Python, Conda, Tensorflow, Scikit-learn, OpenCV.



Deep Learning Specialization


Blockchain Specialization


Tensorflow In Practice


Linear Algebra for Machine Learning


Agile Design and Agile Thinking


Web App Dev. using PHP


Industrial IOT and Industry 4.0


Data Analytics with Python


The Overengineering Project

A blogging site, that aims to be a repository of projects built with the engineering best practices and infrastructure.

Tech Stack :
  • Astro.js
  • Next.js
  • Algolia
  • Markdown

Explain AI

A website with a set of quick tools that aims to make mundane tasks easier. Currently explains complex techinical terms, helps you construct a professional LinkedIn post and summarizes movie plots. Built with ChatGPT, Django, Django Rest Framework

Tech Stack :
  • ChatGPT
  • Django
  • Django RestFramework
  • Vercel


This is a code repository for the corresponding YouTube video. I've made a reinforcement learning agent based on the N.E.A.T (Neural Evolution through Augmented Topologies) algorithm. The game was built in a pygame environment.

Tech Stack :
  • python
  • neat-python
  • pygame


An Improved Content Based Image Retrieval System using Denoising Autoencoders with Locality Sensitive Hashing. Presented paper at International Conference on Computer, Communication and Signal Processing (ICCCSP 2021)

Tech Stack :
  • python
  • tensorflow
  • computer-vision